
School of dragons review
School of dragons review

school of dragons review school of dragons review

My theory about Simon not really being the “nice guy” that he would like everyone to think of him as is also transforming more and more into a fact now that he is suspiciously hell-bent on forcing Xavier’s hand into getting a confession out of Claire. Just how eager she is to follow him to the ends of the earth, or in this case, to the mall to get him a suit, makes Nicole’s crush on her missing best friend’s ex-boyfriend a tad more irrefutable. It’s of no consequence now just how badly I wanted the Nicole and Xavier romantic trope to be dropped. But Maddie has a thing for Xavier’s cryptic appeal, or as I call it, “the Hannibal Lector-ness of a guy.” Claire’s friends aren’t too thrilled about her going on a date with the guy who was originally suspected of being the perp in Maddie’s disappearance. Also, did anyone else pick up on the major Lucas Scott energy? But Maddie has grander things to turn her eyes to with the looming pain of having to watch her cheating dumpster of an ex-boyfriend accompany her cheating ex-best friend to the dance. Seeing how mutedly aggressive Simon gets at the idea of Maddie going to the homecoming dance with a “jock” ghost, he may as well have cloaked himself in a red flag. Thank heavens we’re past the dreadful time (mostly) of romanticizing obnoxious possessiveness or sympathizing with the same for the sake of mollycoddling emotionally stunted men. Nothing Adorable About Territorial Tendencies

School of dragons review